

As I’m sure you have noticed there has been a marked change in conditions of late. Just a few weeks ago it was balmy out there. I hadn’t worn a jumper in weeks and after a prolonged settled period and warm weather many fish weren’t feeding. Suddenly there were heavy dews in the mornings, northerly winds have prevailed and the daylight hours are getting shorter. All of this has bought the fish back to life again. Dogfish and whiting are now numerous and the thorn-back rays are back on the feed. There are certainly no shortage of bites on our general trips now. the autumn changeover also results in some great variety in our catches too. As the summer species and winter species overlap for a while. The other day we had a great start and end to the trip catching lots of schoolbass. they say the early bird catches the worm and our early start meant we even had some sizable bass before the other boats had left their moorings! With the anchor down and baits out we continued to see some bass mixed in as well as dogfish, whiting, dab, smooth-hound, thorn-back ray and even a codling for Stephen Clark! Don’t worry we let it go so we had one to catch the rest of the winter. I did get my ladybird book of fish out to check I had identified it correctly and it definitely was a codling.  I wont be getting my hopes up of any numbers of them in the coming months but it would be nice to see a few again this winter. It was lucky we did let it go though as Robin caught it twice in one day! none of the codling have been of any size but nice to see never the less.

Hopefully this wind will ease off in time for our next offshore bass trips later in the week. At least there are plenty of fish inshore if we cant get off there. I do happen to have a space this Saturday if you are interested.

For regular updates, availability and more information please visit find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528

its always worth keeping an eye out for last minute spaces with groups or where people drop out. I will list my current list of spaces but there are likely to be other dates so its always worth giving me a call. If I am out of signal range I will get back to you asap.


Spaces as follows

01/10/22-offshore bass @ £100pp

03rd-06th- Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info

10/10 Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info

11/10 Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info

13/10 Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info

27/10- general trip 7 spaces @ £60pp

Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request please call 07956411528 for more information

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