

Our last few trips have mainly been general trips as the weather has stopped most of our offshore trips. Fishing has been great though with plenty of bites and a nice variety of species as we expect at this time of year. There are good numbers of roker about at the moment. although often smaller than the spring run the stamp should improve as we move further into the autumn. We are still seeing several small hounds mixed in if we get far enough and a few bass too. Russell’s group had a cracking trip the other day. we were able to push off a little way despite a fair breeze which had put the other boats off. We arrived at slack water and as the tide got going the first dogfish started to show. These were soon joined by several roker too. Every now and then we would catch a baby tope or a smooth-hound to keep us on our toes. Our next surprise was a late stingray which justified the rag worm I had organised from Colchester bait and tackle. With the tide now well under way and a steady run of roker, hounds bass, tope and dogfish coming aboard we then had a run of nice bass put the cheery on the cake. It was nice to see such a variety of decent fish without having to move and without another boat in sight.  Days like these are when having a big catamaran really helps. As the tide died and fishing slowed down again we headed home with over 25 roker, a dozen hounds, 11 keep able bass, a stingray, lots of baby tope and dogfish as well as a whiting to boot. It was and enjoyable day with some nice fish and a pleasure to be unsure of what was going to come out next.




01/11/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

08/11/20- offshore bass trip 5 spaces @ £90pp 6am start

21/11/20– general trip 4 spaces @ £80pp max 5 anglers

28/11/20– general trip 4 spaces @ £80pp  max 5 anglers

06/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers


I am still keeping things the same regarding numbers on the boat until I hear anything different. So its max 5 anglers (unless living together in which case 6)  I don’t have much availability at the moment although I could have to move groups around due to numbers ect. Please keep an eye on here for spaces.


Please call me for more information on 07956411528

Stacey is still operating the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis both mid-week and weekends at the

Moment so please call her on 07791859624

Dad (Stuart) has availability on the ‘Razorbill 3’ please call him on 07850234077

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