

Although I mentioned my last bass trip the other week, I thought I would include it in this weeks report as I havnt done any trips since the lockdown came into place. With the second lockdown due to start but decent weather and tides forecast we decided to try and get one last bass trip in. frustrating though it was to cancel a months bookings at least we would get one more trip out before hand. Weather and tides looked good although the tide wasn’t perfect but we could work with it. We arranged to leave extra early to make the best of the day however one of the lads (who shall remain nameless) was on the drag due to patch fog, roadworks and a diversion on his way down. We were still away pretty early and soon heading over the horizon into the sunrise. Thankfully we still made good time and only arrived a little later than planned. Once anchored the lads got their rods baited and cast out. With 5 lads fishing one rod each there was loads of room on the deck. It may seem silly fishing just one rod each but two rods would be a struggle to fish effectively on this mark. I was a little concerned the bass could have moved off as we were now into November. I needn’t have worried though as the lads were straight into them from the first cast. The first couple of hours were very busy for us. on this occasion the stamp of bass wasn’t huge but there were still plenty of sizeable fish coming out. Although it may not be rocket science there is a knack to fishing this mark. Some people pick it up faster than others, of course you can only catch what’s in front of you too so sometimes I watch lads trying their hardest and unable to keep up with others through no fault of there own. Andy got off to a flying start on this trip. He hadn’t been off here since the bass stocks were on the brink of collapse a few years ago so it was nice to see him have a good day. I was trying to keep count of what the lads had individually but to be honest it was too busy for me to keep up. We only fished until around 13.30 before heading back and by that time the lads had nearly caught up. Andy had 0ver 35 bass with Neon and Steve close behind him. We did manage to sneak out a couple of small hounds too. After catching numerous bass Alec went out of his way to catch a dogfish just to spite me. He decided that he wasn’t going to get the most bass so he would try and catch something different. He succeeded and took great pleasure in proving they were present. By the end of the trip I had clocked over 115 bass although the actual tally was likely to have been quite a bit higher than this. Not bad going for 5 rods fishing baits and a single hook rig! Our next offshore trips will be targeting spurdogs (although anything can turn up) I will try and get off before Christmas if not then into the new year. In the mean time a have plenty of space in December should you wish to join us.

Please keep an eye out for the books a will be promoting. I will mention them regularly in the run up to Christmas as they should make ideal presents at only £5 each. Both have been put together by weymouth charter fishing legend Paul Whittall. The first book ‘from army brat to seadog’ is a very brief biography of the charter skipper including some great tales. The second book has gone on sale today and includes many stories from the fishing world including several legends such as Geordie Dickerson and Roger Bayzand. I am honoured to have had my own ‘watery reflections’ story included within the latest book alongside these great skippers. So if you enjoyed my efforts before please purchase these books which are both available on amazon with all of the profits going to the RNLI.

Due to the current lockdown I have cancelled trips until 2nd of December when it is due to be lifted. I have had lots of enquiries for December so as people are keen to get out again.  In the mean time, Hopefully you should be able to get out fishing on your own from the beach or bank if I cant get you out.

I am currently able to offer single person bookings only until the 2nd of December. I can offer two different rates- full boat whole day charter £400 or full boat half day charter (likely within the blackwater) £200.

I have plenty of availability throughout November should you wish to get out and can afford to book the boat.

For now I will continue to take bookings for December and into the new year in the hope that we can get you back out there soon.



12/12/20- general trip 1 space @ £80pp max 5 anglers

13/12/20- general trip 3 spaces @ £80pp max 5 anglers

19/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

20/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

29/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

30/12/20- general trip 4 spaces @ £80pp max 5 anglers

31/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

01/01/21- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

02/01/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

03/01/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers


Please call me for more information on 07956411528

Stacey is still operating the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis both mid-week and weekends at the

Moment but and is likely to fall under the same restrictions as me.  so please call her on 07791859624

Dad (Stuart) has availability on the ‘Razorbill 3’ please call him on 07850234077

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