

In line with the first round of easing the lockdown we were only able to take one person out at a
time at first. I was lucky enough to have several regular lads who were keen to get out fishing as
well as support me so we arranged to head out after hounds and bass. In order to get the best
fishing and offer the lads better value for money we would work the tides. Unfortunately, due to the
weather the first two trips were an evening tide followed by an early start the next morning.
Stephen Charles was on the first trip and after a bit of running around we headed off on our first
trip. It was still breezy as we headed out and there was some leftover slop too but this eased as the
evening went on. Our first mark was pretty unproductive although we did catch some dogfish. We
had a move after an hour or so and the next mark produced some great fishing. Worm bait produced
bass and crabs were catching hounds. Again, the hounds were a good stamp and as a pack went
through we would wonder why we fished so many rods. There were several double figure fish and
the average stamp was good too. Stephen managed a personal best with the biggest fish of the night
at 18.8lbs. by the time we headed home the sea was glassy calm ready for my next trip in just a few
hours’ time. I met Alec the next morning (or later the same morning) bright and early and we made
our way back out for more fun with the hounds. It was sunny, hot and calm for most of the day. Our
first mark produced lots of fish once again. The stamp of hounds was great and although we didn’t
beat last nights biggest fish we had many double figure fish for our efforts. There were several
thorn-backs and dogfish mixed in along with lots of small bass. We didn’t have as many crabs as I
would have liked but luckily the hounds were coming out on hardback, lug, squid, prawn and what
ever else we threw at them that day. We had at least 30 and more like 50 hounds that morning with
the biggest going 13-14lbs. once we had run out of crabs altogether we focused our attention on
catching bass. We tried a different mark that I fancied and this resulted in lots of small bass, some
more hounds, dogfish, whiting and an eel. We had two sizable bass although I managed to loose one
over the side! We headed home early as we had enjoyed the best fishing this morning.
The smooth-hounds will be here in varying numbers and sizes until September. Although they may
have been taking anything when we caught these fish the hounds can often be quite picky. I may
provide squid free of charge and if I have hermit crabs you will be welcome to use them. However
hermits have been harder to get than ever this year. My pot has been tampered with most times I
set it this year. With this in mind please don’t rely on me providing hermits. If you can afford it then
peelers will work but rag worm is the best replacement for hermit. Please don’t waste your money
and my time buying frozen hermit as I have no confidence in them. I can organise rag worm or you
can bring your own but I strongly advise having it as it could make all the difference.
For the time being I have only sorted bookings until the end of June. I will see what guidelines are
eased (if any) over the next few weeks before sorting through julys bookings. I am sorry to be so
vague but everything is up in the air at the moment due to the virus. If you wish to get afloat then
staceys boat is available for private hire on 07791859624 if you want to go fishing then dads boat
should be up and running again soon and I will post when he is taking bookings.

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