

We were lucky enough to get most of our trips out this week despite the seemingly relentless winds. The only trip cancelled was with rain forecast all day as well as a good breeze. I still offered to go but unsurprisingly only a couple of lads fancied it. The days when we have been out have been comfortable on the catamaran despite fishing well beyond the rest of the boats. Leon and the lads had the best trip with 72 roker for the day. They were joined by some individuals this month with Laura, Stephen and nick making up the numbers. Fishing was hectic at times which did allow me to get a picture of 6 rays that came aboard at once. Obviously most were returned to the sea alive and only a few males kept for the table. The biggest fish went over 14bs with a few other doubles too. We havnt had the weather to get back to this mark but still managed 40 roker the following day despite a very stiff breeze in the morning. The first big push of fish often offers the best sport and some nice fish too so if you want to get in on the action get out soon. I have spaces the next two Sundays and availability mid-week upon request so please get in touch.
Next available spaces
22/03/20-8 spaces @ £55pp
28/03/20-premier trip 3 spaces @ £65pp max 7 anglers
29/03/20-10 spaces @ £55pp or full boat hire from £400
05/04/20-10 spaces @ £55pp or full boat hire from £400
11/04/20-6 spaces @ £55pp

For more information please call 07956411528

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