

Sorry I have been a little laxed on reports of late, its partly due to being so busy and partly because things are still up in the air regarding trips. Hopefully after yesterdays news we will be able to operate a little more normally soon. Our trips last week saw a mixture of weather and plenty of bass inshore. The lads have often been able to keep their quota of two per angler lately if they so wish. Tony’s group had loads of schoolies first thing in the morning and by 10am they had their quotas along with a couple for me too. Its not all about the bass though and later in the day we anchored up for dogfish, roker and hounds. The biggest hound went 13.8lbs and the biggest fish of a hectic day. there are still good numbers of roker inshore along with some good bass fishing and plenty of hounds although the hounds have mostly been tiddlers in here so far. My booking for the 4th of July has moved to later in the summer so I may have this available. I have offered it to a couple of people so far so it may already be gone. I will offer an evening trip on the 4th of July too. Please get in touch if you are interested on 07956411528 .
Stacey is running various trips on the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis so please call her on07791859624
Dad has now launched the ‘Razorbill 3’ complete with a new engine so feel free to give him a bell if you cant get out with me on 07850234077
Please keep your eyes peeled on here for any developments as a result of yesterdays announcement over the next few days.

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