We had a busy week with several day trips and a couple of evening trips thrown in too. The weather wasn’t amazing but good enough to get each trip out and find everybody some fish. Patricks group had a nice mixed bag of hounds, roker, dogfish and bass. Andy, Rueben and Nick joined us for the evening where we had less hounds but lots of small bass and several roker to end the trip. Alec was out the next day with his family this time. With a shortage of crabs by now we struggled for hounds on our first mark but made up for it with plenty of bass on lures to start us off. We had steady fishing once we put the anchor down with a nice mix of hounds, roker, dogfish and bass. We finished the day off with another brief lure fish for bass and had 5 decent fish amongst them for Alec to take home. While we fished here we were joined by a very tame skua which sat alongside the boat and I was even able to hand feed! We were in earlier than normal so I was able to head out on a short evening trip with Ben and his family. As ever Charlie and Ashton were keen as mustard and had pestered me throughout lockdown to get out fishing. everybody caught some fish including a nice double figure thorn-back ray for Zara which was followed by several more.
please bear with me as I am still restricted in what I can do due to covid. I havnt been through julys bookings yet as I am hoping there will be another announcement before then and I am fully booked at the moment. You could try my father stuart after tomorrow on 07850234077 as he is putting his boat back in.
if you just want to get out on the water then my wife stacey is offering pre-booked trips of various types and lengths. Please call her on 07791859624
please keep an eye on my reports for any changes in restrictions and availability.