

Its been a busy week once again on the Galloper. The wind kept us ashore for a welcome break for a couple of days although we made the most of the shelter afforded by a low tide and nipped out for an evening trip. Alec had filled most of the spaces and Laura tagged along to take the last place. Things took a while to get going to be honest and by slack tide Laura and Alec were top anglers. We had a move as the tide died and found a few birds working as the tide turned. We snuck a few fish out of these although it was hard work to be honest. we got the anchor down again which changed our luck. We had a nice run of bass and roker to finish the evening. There were 5 nice keepers including the biggest which fell to Laura.

Next trip was still blustery but we found a few roker, hounds, dogfish and baby tope. The biggest hound was caught by Guy at 11.3lbs (although he lost another decent fish) Alan had the biggest over all fish with a roker of 11.9lbs. we spent the afternoon for bass but only found one and some more hounds.

The weather was much better the next day when Dave and Andy had booked the boat. We started off trying for hounds but just had bits and bobs. We headed off in search of bass which was successful with plenty of them showing. The lads soon had their quota of bass for the pot including some nice 4-5lb fish. we had a couple of moves in search of some roker but couldn’t find any numbers. This is often the case in the middle of the summer. To be honest we found several more bass. As we lost the tide Dave hooked a decent bass which must have made 8lbs but as I assumed he was fed up catching them so I kindly knocked it off with the net.

I am still keeping things the same regarding numbers on the boat until I hear anything different. So its max 5 anglers (unless living together in which case 6)  I don’t have much availability at the moment although I could have to move groups around due to numbers ect. Please keep an eye on here for spaces. My next spaces are

Saturday evening 16.30-midnight 18/07/20- 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 people

Offshore bass trip 2 spaces @ £90pp (worm required at extra cost


Please call me for more information on 07956411528

Stacey is still operating the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis both mid-week and weekends at the

Moment so please call her on 07791859624

Dad (Stuart) has availability on the ‘Razorbill 3’ please call him on 07850234077

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