Although both days were full this weekend I text all of the lads regarding the way the forecast and the fishing looked. We ended up with just the 4 lads out today as I was keen to get afloat and they are all mad. The weather wasn’t too bad for where we were, it was comfortable and sunny most of the time although the boat did sheer around a little after the turn of the tide. We arrived with a bit of tide left and with everybody getting cast out quickly Stephen was the first into a fish. he had a double shot of dabs on each rod. This was followed by Gerald with one on his rod. This was a promising start but unfortunately things came to a grinding holt soon after. Stephen picked the odd dab up after this but as the tide stopped so did any signs of fish. I had a rod out too and I had to move quickly as my rod was almost ripped over the side by what was clearly a big fish. I wasn’t sure that my 50lbs braid could handle a fight like this but thankfully with my angling skills and a bit of luck on my side I wrestled nothing short of a sea monster aboard. After several checks later and several differing opinions it turned out to be a sand goby which made my day to be honest and was the first fish aboard for me. After the turn of the tide we saw no more fish so we moved up to a mark which had been too shallow earlier on. Stephen was back at it again with a string of three fish this time, a dab, a whiting and a flounder (todays target species) martin also managed a flounder at the same time which was a first for him. We scratched a few more flatties out from here including another flounder for Stephen before we headed off. We tried for some herring on the way home but only had a couple today. we ended up with 12 dabs, 3 flounders, 2 whiting and a sand goby. No monsters but more than we would have caught on the sofa and a nice day out.