

The weather has taken a dive over the last week or so,  luckily we have been able to make the most of the sheltered waters available to us when the lads still wanted to get out. Thankfully being on the catamaran makes trips like these more comfortable for all of us. the fishing wasant always easy but we found a few fish here and there with the odd sizable bass mixed in each trip. Simon was lucky enough to have his first stingray. A modest fish of 10.14lbs but very welcome and the highlight of our day. a few roker have started to move in already. Franks group managed 28 between the 4 of them as well as 5 nice bass, a hound and a dozen tope pups. We even had a couple off eels too. When we tried for hounds we did manage a bit of fun with them but no monsters this week. Hopefully we will get another crack at them over the next fortnight before the majority move off.

I have a couple of spaces before the end of September including one this Monday (bank holiday). I may organise a trip for this Saturday night too so please contact me if interested.


31/08/20-general trip 1 space @ £80pp max 5 anglers

05/09/20- general trip 1 space @ £80pp max 5 anglers

11/10/20-offshore bass trip £90pp 6am start

17/10/20-4 spaces @ £80pp max 5 anglers

18/10/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

I am still keeping things the same regarding numbers on the boat until I hear anything different. So its max 5 anglers (unless living together in which case 6)  I don’t have much availability at the moment although I could have to move groups around due to numbers ect. Please keep an eye on here for spaces.


Please call me for more information on 07956411528

Stacey is still operating the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis both mid-week and weekends at the

Moment so please call her on 07791859624

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