Sorry for the lack of posts over the last week or so but since the lockdown was eased I have been busy trying to get jobs done and more importantly get some fishing in. the first day we were able to go was a tad breezy and tides weren’t amazing so I headed off fresh water fishing. unfortunately stacey couldn’t join me as she isn’t a member and to keep numbers of people down guests are not allowed currently. My brother is a member and joined me for the day. we fished a lake very closed to home and although there were a few people about we were lucky enough to have the lake between 3 anglers so plenty of room and low risk. The breeze that deterred me from going on the boat was also colder than I expected and I was surprised to end up behind a brolly wearing a jacket by the end of the morning. Bites weren’t thick and fast either, my brother had a rudd to start with but other than that we had nothing. I have found this water often needs a swim to be built up so just kept feeding it until the bites started. After a small rudd I had my first carp of the day. it was nice to see a decent bend in the rod after such a long time. My brother Lee had one soon after and it was of a similar size. I had a couple more small rudd then I nice tench of just under 4lbs on my waggler rod. As the afternoon went on I was lucky enough to sneak a couple more carp out the biggest of which went 16.11lbs. unfortunately I had to leave by 16.30 as I was putting the boat on the hard to do some jobs. After I left my brother managed a tench of a similar size to ine so I was glad I gave him an extra hour to try and catch up with me.
I headed back to the same lake later in the week for an evening, I only fished for 2-3 hours but had plenty of nice roach and rudd as well as loosing a very decent bream. It was all of 8lbs and more likely over 10 but I cant count the one that got away. My next trip fresh water fishing was a week later when dad and I had an afternoon at a new water. Once again we were pleasantly surprised to find plenty of room for us there. After loosing a small bream first cast bites were slow to materialise. I was therefore caught by surprise a little when my ledger rod shot off after an hour or two. I had positioned my bait between an island and a peninsular (about 15 ft away) which seemed a likely place to intercept a fish. what I hadn’t allowed for was a decent fish deciding to take off into the other side of the lake! After I wound the reel into gear and off of the bait runner the fish showed no sign of slowing down. It must have headed over 50 yards through the gap and into the other half of the lake! I was worried it would turn left or right and potentially tangle me but luckily after this blistering run it was burned out and I was able to bring it back through the gap quite easily. It was a bit of an ugly fish to be honest but at 19.1lbs I wasn’t complaining. After this I had a few small bream between 1-1.8lbs and some rudd. Just before we left I snuck out a tench of around 4lbs too so I had a lovely afternoon. Speaking to a few other people I have been told there are only supposed to be 3-4 carp in this lake so I will have to pop back and catch the others at some point.
I will put a report on covering our first boat fishing trip since the easing of restrictions in a day or so. I have left it a while as the phone was ringing off the hook.
Just to clarify what we are doing at the moment.
-the restrictions have been eased not lifted
-we are allowed in groups of two with one other from outside our household
-we have to stick to social distancing ect
-our insurance is void if we don’t stick to the guidelines
What you do your selves is your business but I wish to run mine without breaking any rules or looking over my shoulder. As ever both your safety and mine are my priority. I would love to take you all out but we will just have to wait a little longer. Hopefully June will see more easing of restrictions.
I know not everybody can afford it but you are able to book the boat for single person bookings for £400 per day. I have enough interest in these to fill this week and maybe the week after. I also offer 4 hour trips from £200 which may be within some peoples budgets. I appreciate not everybody can afford it but hopefully we can take a few more people is we head into June.
My dairy is a bit up in the air but I am making a list of people who wish to go post lock-down and will send a text out to you all when I can take you. if you are interested you can reach me on 07956411528 as normal.

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