4hr trips

4hr trips

Our 4 hour trips continue to prove popular at this time of year. With the blackwater estuary on our door step we have had plenty of great fishing to choose from over the last few weeks on them.  The schoolie bass that we often expect were a little late this year. In stead our first few trips saw several roker and hounds as the best fish. a few years ago I would have been surprised at hounds so close in but we see them more often nowadays.  Of course the bass did turn up and they have provided us with some great sport. Alex books an annual trip for himself, his father and his brother to enjoy out with us. the lads now expect to see string full’s of schoolie bass coming in and always hope to find a keeper amongst them for the table. This year we were lucky enough to have 4 nice bass along with countless schoolies and a couple of roker too. The lads were very pleased to have something for dinner as well as a nice trip out.

Ian booked a short trip up while visiting Mersea on a family holiday. His sons Olly and James joined him for a few hours fishing too. We were lucky enough to start our trip with string full’s of bass on feathers before some bait fishing. I could barely keep up with the rate of fish coming over the side to be honest. we put a move in to try and find something bigger for the lads before the end of the trip. James came up trumps first with a sizable bass for the bbq. Both James and Olly had roker next and Ian topped it all off with a stingray before we headed in. the lads were very happy with their trip, as was the skipper. I often say I get a different kind of buzz from taking out novices on trips like these and they help to keep things fresh amidst a busy summer.

If I get enough interest I will offer up a few more of these short trips so please get in touch and I will see what I can do.

Our general trips are producing hounds and bass as we would expect. Some great examples of each are showing. Offshore our bass trips have started off well and will keep us busy until the end of November. I have spaces on these (including this Saturday) on various days for full boat bookings and individuals. Please get in touch to get booked on.

For regular updates, availability and more information please visit www.essexseafishing.co.uk find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528



I have availability mid-week throughout the summer so please get in touch if you want to get booked in. its also worth keeping an eye out for last minute spaces with groups or where people drop out. I will list my current list of spaces but there are likely to be other dates so its always worth giving me a call. If I am out of signal range I will get back to you asap.


Spaces as follows

06/08/22- offshore bass trip 1 spaces @ £100pp max 7 anglers

11/08- whole boat available for general trip

15th-19th Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info

25/08/22 Clacton air show trip fish while they fly 10 spaces @ £60pp

26/08/22- Clacton air show trip fish while they fly 2 spaces @ £60pp

28/08/22-2 spaces @ £70pp max 7 anglers

30th-02nd– Whole boat availability for offshore bass trips call for info


Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request please call 07956411528 for more information

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