

Happily we are still getting afloat despite the latest covid restrictions.

I am still keeping things the same regarding numbers on the boat until I hear anything different. So its max 5 anglers (unless living together in which case 6)

luckily this means we are still able to continue operating despite the latest restrictions. We are introducing a few new measures to ensure we can get you fishing in a covid safe way.

When you board the ‘Galloper’ you will be asked to read our covid risk assessments and operating procedures . next you will be asked to sign a couple of registers to confirm you have read and accept these as well as confirming you have no symptoms and havnt been in contact with anybody with covid.

We are also asking for next of kin and medical details which we may need to know about in case of emergency.

We will also take your temperature remotely and anybody with an unusually high temperature will unfortunately have to return home.


Once we have got the covid procedures out of the way then we can concentrate on the fishing which continues to keep us busy. The fish don’t realise what’s going on up here.  This week has seen a large influx of herring inshore. Although we have always expected the herring to turn up in the autumn they weren’t in these numbers for some years. however over the last few years we have come to expect these vast shoals which tend to have a negative affect on our catches in the short term. This only tends to last a few weeks when they first turn up before things get back to normal. I also believe this amount of bait fish turning up each year must have a positive affect in the long term.

We are still catching loads of dogfish and whiting inshore although numbers of rays have decreased so we are having to work a bit harder to find them or if we can then we are heading offshore for bass which has continued to provide great sport.




21/11/20– general trip 1 space @ £80pp max 5 anglers

28/11/20– general trip 2 spaces @ £80pp  max 5 anglers

06/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

12/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

13/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

19/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers

20/12/20- general trip 5 spaces @ £80pp or boat £400 max 5 anglers


Please call me for more information on 07956411528

Stacey is still operating the ‘lady grace’ on a bookings only basis both mid-week and weekends at the

Moment so please call her on 07791859624

Dad (Stuart) has availability on the ‘Razorbill 3’ please call him on 07850234077

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