
I have held back a few reports from before the lockdown to keep myself and you reminded of what we are missing. Hopefully reading them over the coming weeks will help you escape the boredom and pass some time as I hope it does for me.
One of our last trips was a premier trip with several old faces as well as a couple of new comers. We were in search of roker again and headed out a fair way and found a bit of shelter to start a windy day. We were the only ones out there again, which was nice as I love having the place to my self. We started even better than we had last trip with a good run of fish first thing. Steve and Aex got off to a good start this morning. By slack tide we had already seen a lot of fish to the boat. Mostly roker and the odd dogfish. Alec had bought along two lads today in the shape of Presley who was on his first fishing trip and James slater who is an accomplished match angler and fishes for his country in the junior shore team. James displayed his snitching skills as he switched one rod to small hooks and ended up getting triple shots of whiting over slack water. We had only seen one or two all day the previous trip but they were here in numbers today and Alex was getting some larger ones on the other side of the boat. The whiting weren’t much of a distraction but more of a bonus between the steady stream of roker coming over the side of the boat. It has to be said the start of the next tide wasn’t as busy as I had expected but saying that we had cleared a lot of fish out the area over slack tide. I considered a move but as we were still catching I held my nerve and was rewarded as the fish came back on the feed. A few double figure fish moved through now as they had done on the last trip and these were topped off by a pair of fish one after the other for Presley and Alec. We couldn’t get a really accurate weight as by now there was a bit of sea running but they both went over 16lbs (Alec insists his was biggest). Not to be left out Gary and Neil were catching them too. Garys biggest was a low double and Neil got the double shot he had fished for all day.
As we packed up the lads bought 3 more over the side which made a nice round 80 for the day. A great trip by any bodies standards and even better considering the weather we were able to fish through in comfort.

Regarding any trips in the coming weeks and months. At the moment we are unable to take trips and even myself and stacey are abiding by the rules and only leaving the house for essential goods. Over the coming weeks and months we will take it week by week depending on what rules are tightened or relaxed. If you’re booked in for a trip please bear with me and I will evaluate it nearer the time. If you wish to book for a future trip please feel free to do so. We promise not to spent your deposits on bulk buying loo roll and instead keep them separate in case they need to be returned to you.
If you fancy a trip and wish to know my availability please call 07956411528 and I will update you with our current plans or visit my website and have a look at the availability page at

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