2019 report

2019 report

I thought I would do a round up of 2019 on board the ‘Galloper’ here in Essex. Fishing throughout the year was kind to us. The relatively mild winter may not help the cod stocks but it meant we were catching skate throughout the winter. On one of our trips early in the year we decided to target some flounders as a change of species. We had a few of these flatties (which are all too rare nowadays) as well as dabs and whiting but the fish that sticks out to me was a tiny sand goby hooked fair and square. It was only small but could of even been a boat record had we bothered to claim it! Early on we were lucky enough to get some decent weather coincide with some decent tides and some decent anglers who were keen to try offshore. We had our first spurs of the year and managed another couple of trips for them later on in the spring too. Our best day on the spurs was 11 with the biggest falling to Gordon at 14.4lbs but many of the fish were double figure females full of pups as we would expect around here. From early February the roker arrived inshore in numbers and by early march we had our first smooth-hounds. As we got to the end of march we had more trips booked offshore. This time we tried for other species and happened upon some good numbers of bass. We had two consecutive days when the weather, tides and anglers fell into place and we hit the bass for a while each day. The best day producing over 150 bass and some frantic fishing.
The bass and hounds moved inshore as we went into April growing in numbers and size. By the end of April we were seeing good numbers of sizable bass very close to home. These along with the roker made for a good days fishing. By may the first numbers of decent hounds moved inshore and we had some great mixed days of fishing. Some days we were able to target hounds, bass and roker all in numbers and often close to home so we didn’t loose many trips. The first mackerel also turned up in may and we even snuck a tope trip on before the end of the month. The biggest tope going 32lbs with 3 other decent fish and 3 more lost.
As we moved into June we hoped for more tope trips, the weather turned which meant we lost a couple of trips and when we could get off for tope we struggled to get mackerel. Luckily we were able to buy fresh mackerel to guarantee top notch bait. Once we had bait sorted we had a few more tope before they moved off. Several anglers left it too late to book a trip and missed out. I guess this is the risk of waiting to see reports of fish before booking. Its best to book as far in advance as possible to get the pick of the tides.
Throughout June, July and much of august the fishing inshore was fantastic for the most part. We had some great fishing for hounds and bass close to home and in sheltered waters. Double figure hounds were coming out most trips and those that didn’t produce a double or two normally had some nudging that way. There were lots of schoolie bass and often a keeper or two should somebody want one. We had lots of days where the bass had schooled up and we could catch them on feathers for a busy hour or so. There were several stingray caught throughout the summer. We managed a couple of small ones but they still got us excited.
For much of the summer I was hoping to see a really big hound on the boat. We had lots of mid doubles and we kept pushing the biggest up bit by bit. First 16lbs then 17lbs but finally on the last run of hounds before they moved off Dave topped it off with one of 22.13lbs on the 2nd of September in 4 feet of water. We had a few other doubles that day but they couldn’t hold a light to that fish.
The numbers of hounds soon thinned out as we went into September but the roker were back in good numbers by then and there were still a few bass around too. Our efforts to get offshore for bass were hampered by the weather for a while. Every time the tides came around the weather would turn but we finally got out at the start of October. Our first trip was with Fred, Doug and the lads. To be honest it was more than a bit lumpy but sometimes these are the best conditions for the bass and the boat does really well in those seas. Our effort was rewarded with some chuncky autumn bass. There were lots around 4-5lb and several over 5lbs. the biggest went to chris and went 8.2lbs. this went like stink in just a few feet of clear water. Our next trip off here produced a smaller stamp of fish (although many were keepable) but what they lacked in size they made up in numbers. We had several hours of fishing with hokia type lures and the lads had over 150 between 6 of them. The good news is that in 2020 the restrictions on bass fishing have been relaxed a little which means you can keep 2 per angler per day from the 1st of march to the 30th of November. I will be offering offshore bass trips throughout the summer so please contact me to book the best tides.
Unfortunately there was a run of poor weather which meant we lost a few trips in October. It’s a shame as there was some good fishing to be had offshore with the bass and inshore with good numbers of roker, whiting and dogfish coming out. As we moved into November we did our first trips on the new boat. The space and stability were put to the test on her first trip with a full party of 10 anglers, myself and joe on board on what was a pretty snotty day. She took it all in her stride and we have had great feed back about her from many of our anglers.
The weather improved in November but the cod never showed in numbers. We were kept busy by whiting, dogfish and roker for most of the month. As December approached we had our first shot at the dabs in the estuary. We had a couple more sessions on the dabs in December to break the day up in between countless whiting and a few dogfish. The roker started to feed a bit better as Christmas arrived which meant the lads had a few more fish to end the year on.
All in all it was a good year fishing wise, the summer was pretty much spot on for us. The fishing for hounds and bass was fairly consistent and local so we could get out in most conditions and have a good day. The spring started early with roker in good numbers from early on and even a few tope. I must admit it was a very busy year for me as I was doing the new boat up in between working full time so it was sometimes hard to enjoy the fishing that was on offer but we are set up well for the year ahead. There are already a few roker about and if it stays this mild things should kick off within the next few weeks. I have spaces throughout the year on general trips as well as offshore, mid-week and weekends. On both an individual basis and for boat bookings so if you fancy a trip please get in touch or for more information, regular reports and availability please visit
call 07956411528
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