With the boat repaired and a fantastic forecast we were heading out today for our first fishing trip. After a lovely breakfast from dave we made our way to port logan on the other side of the mull. We went to launch the boat and backed her to the water but I wasn’t getting the truck covered in salt water so we tried to push the boat down. however the very fine sand was partially burying the trailer wheels enough to stop us from moving it! We had a few different attempts before giving up and heading off to find some help or advise from the locals. We chatted to a couple of fishermen and they were only to pleased to drop the boat in with their tractor. We arranged to meet chris and george at port logan and after plenty of chatting and yarning between us they kindly put the boat in. by now the best part of the day had gone but we had a glorious afternoon out in beuforts dyke around port logan. We didn’t really know what to target as every body we had spoken to over the last couple of days (and that was rather a lot) said that spring was on the drag this year and the fishing was running about 3 weeks behind. We had a drift with baited feathers where a local suggested there may be some haddock and codling but had no luck. We then anchored a bit further down for a few hours in the hope of something worth catching. We had the usual saviour from a blank in the form of a few dogfish, which turned into a lot of dogfish along with a grey gurnard for Stacey and a small bull huss. We headed back and I got to play with the tractor myself this time and pulled the boat out.